These icon boxes wrap to additional rows. This easily allows the number of columns to be adjusted on devices by changing the Icon Box width.
Advanced > Width > Custom
22% = 4 columns
30% = 3 columns
45% = 3 Columns
Layout > Gaps > Adjust space between columns and rows.
These icon boxes wrap to additional rows. This easily allows the number of columns to be adjusted.
SVG icon, title and content are placed in the icon box.
The background color is found in the container, not the Icon Box. The Icon Box has no background color.
The link is applied to the container. The link can be found at Layout > Additional Options > Html Tag > a (link) > Link.
No element within a linked container can have a link.
Set Justify Content to "Space Between" to align the icons to the top and the additional elements to the bottom.
Add bottom padding to the container.
6303 Indiana Ave
Lubbock, Texas 79413